Personally Speaking with Msgr. Jim Lisante
Airing on The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM/Ch.129 . Host Msgr. Jim Lisante interviews public figures about their faith & values. Producer, Lisa Jandovitz, Enlighten Prods., LLC
Personally Speaking with Msgr. Jim Lisante
Personally Speaking ep. 172 (Billy Keenan)
Enlighten Productions, LLC
Episode 172
In this episode of Personally Speaking, Msgr. Jim Lisante is joined by Billy Keenan. Billy Keenan was a successful teacher, a veteran, triathlete, Irish band leader, husband and father. A tragic surfing accident changed all of that and left him paralyzed. In his new book, “The Road to Resilience: The Billy Keenan Story”, Billy speaks not only about facing the realization of being paralyzed, but how he found a way forward, a purpose in his life, despite tremendous adversity and the Catholic faith that has continued to sustain him.