Personally Speaking with Msgr. Jim Lisante
Airing on The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM/Ch.129 . Host Msgr. Jim Lisante interviews public figures about their faith & values. Producer, Lisa Jandovitz, Enlighten Prods., LLC
Personally Speaking with Msgr. Jim Lisante
Personally Speaking ep. 188 (David Nekrutman)
Enlighten Productions, LLC
Episode 188
In this episode of Personally Speaking, Msgr. Jim Lisante is joined by David Nekrutman. David has served the calling of Jewish-Christian relations for over twenty years and is the Executive Director “The Isaiah Projects”. The Isaiah Projects is a ministry dedicated to creating resources that empowers Christians to discover the Hebraic roots of their faith. David speaks about Jewish-Christian relations, Israel Gaza war, and the faith and values that sustain him.