Personally Speaking with Msgr. Jim Lisante
Airing on The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM/Ch.129 . Host Msgr. Jim Lisante interviews public figures about their faith & values. Producer, Lisa Jandovitz, Enlighten Prods., LLC
Personally Speaking with Msgr. Jim Lisante
Personally Speaking ep. 243 (Andrew Gray)
Enlighten Productions, LLC
Episode 243
In this episode of Personally Speaking, Msgr. Jim Lisante is joined by Andrew Gray. Andrew is the Tuition Coordinator and Student Center Director at St. Anthony’s High School, a Catholic high school in South Huntington, Long Island in New York. Andrew has worked at St. Anthony’s High School since 2012 and also teaches Psychology. He talks about Catholic education, what it’s meant for him as both a student and now educator, and the faith and values that sustain him.