Personally Speaking with Msgr. Jim Lisante
Airing on The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM/Ch.129 . Host Msgr. Jim Lisante interviews public figures about their faith & values. Producer, Lisa Jandovitz, Enlighten Prods., LLC
Personally Speaking with Msgr. Jim Lisante
Personally Speaking ep. 244 (Dr. Lori Koerner)
Enlighten Productions, LLC
Episode 244
In this episode of Personally Speaking, Msgr. Jim Lisante is joined by Dr. Lori Koerner. Dr. Koerner has been in the field of education for over three decades. She is the author of four books and her work reflects her dedication to educating the whole child by emphasizing the importance of social-emotional development alongside academic success. Dr. Koerner speaks about education and the values that matter most to her.